Are you a band or artist looking to get featured on the 4 Degrees podcast and website?
Join the fun! Fill out this form, and Devo will get back to you in a week, maybe? I got kids man.
* is a required field.
Your Band/Artist Name* What do we call you?
Your Email* How can we contact you?
Your Genres* What genres of music do you make? Be sure to comma separate: Metal, Jizz, Muppets Covers
Your Country* What Country are you in?
Your State/Province/Etc* What State/Province are you in?
Your City* What City are you in?
Your Website What's your website? If you have one
Your Spotify Link What's your Spotify link?
Your YouTube Link What's your Youtube link?
Your Instagram Link What's your Instagram link?
Your Facebook Link What's your Facebook link?
Your TikTok Link What's your Tiktok link?
Your Band/Artist Pic* Upload an image of you or your band. Accepted formats are JPG, Jpeg, PNG 2mb or smaller.
Anything else you want us to know?
Are you a robot?* What is the acronym of United States of America?
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